Has Modern Science Found the answer to Living a Longer Life? Welcome to the HOME of BioHacking! 

As you descend the spiralling staircase leading you into what used to be the old wine cellar of Winston Churchill you enter a new world, something you would expect to find in a Sci Fi movie! Gone are all the Château Petrus instead you are welcomed by immaculately dressed clinicians in their perfect white coats who guide you through this futuristic lounge where you can relax and admire the surroundings… LED lights wrap around the arches and walls of the basement immediately offering a very calming and relaxing space!  

Dubbed the home of molecular wellness by its founder Kasia it is then no surprise that the clinic offers personalised science-based solutions for its clients that have previously only been available from way beyond the busy streets of Mayfair!  

Once seated you will get to see what is on offer and be prepared as it is a rather impressive establishment with an enviable menu filled with invigorating treatments that will ensure for those living life in the fast lane that traditional exercise isn’t the only route to a healthier and longer life!  

We had booked in for the Hyperbaric Chamber, IV Laser Light and the Infrashape! Just a few treatments then I hear you say! Having, been in back-to-back meetings and travelling the few days prior to our meeting with Belle Cell it was fair to say we needed a boost. So, we were keen to see if this clinic really could do what it advocates so confidently. Time to put them to the test… My watch suggested that I had rid myself of over 1000 calories after nearly an entire day’s worth of walking, running and tube travel, a figure you would normally be impressed with.  

First up was the Infrashape… now this machine doesn’t look very impressive, but I was soon to discover its function would quickly overshadow its looks! You are told to strip down and get into what can only be described as half a wet suit… you then lay down! A perspex shell then closes over you encasing your lower body. On the outside you hold onto some metal bars, while on the inside, well… you’re peddling as if you were at a rather unusual spin class. As the machine starts up, you feel the vacuum sucking you in! This entire machine’s purpose is to boost fat loss. As you pedal away your eyes are drawn to the calorie burn counter and it is just astonishing to see that move, the way it does… 20 minutes later your over 1500 calories down…. WOW! My entire day of running around was only a 1000! So that’s nearly double the number of calories lost in considerably less time! So, it’s no surprise some would say that this is too good to be true, but you are easily assured by the clinician that the number is very much true! I think I know where I am heading to every day it’s the best 20 mins you will spend! At a cost of £90 a session for none-members it is fair to say I am happy to pay that if it means less hours on the treadmill! 

Next up was the infamous hyperbaric chamber, most of you will have heard of famous celebrities like Michael Jackson having one installed in his house! That said this is also commonly used by athletes this is definitely not one for those of you who are claustrophobic! You are asked to lie into a mini pod a little like lying in a missile! The use of a hyperbaric chamber is said to deliver amazingly fast results and is intended to help make you feel stronger, healthier, and more energized! Once your lay comfortably inside, the chamber is pressure sealed. The aim is to have you inside this pressured pod allowing you to breathe 97% oxygen through a mask rather than the <30% we normally breathe in the normobaric streets! After the awkward pain that pressure provides, I fell fast asleep into a recuperative nap and woke up feeling refreshed and hungry for more! 

Costing a mere £160 per session this is a must have treatment for those looking for more instant results.  

The final treatment on today’s list was the IV laser light therapy. Some would think this is an unusual treatment especially considering a cannula is injected directly into your vein. The purpose of the IV Laser Light Therapy is to apply laser light using an optical fibre directly into your bloodstream, once in the vein the laser light is absorbed by the red bloods cells. This light stimulus provides signals which affect the chemical behaviour, metabolism, movement and gene expression of our cells. The LED light therapy is delivered with a combination of colours, red light to increase energy and strengthens your immune system, green light increases oxygen uptake in the red blood cells and improves blood flow and the blue light can support to reduce blood pressure due to an increased Nitric Oxide while the yellow light is proven to assist with pain relief. The application process is pain free, apart from that sharp scratch you can’t avoid.  This is certainly not your average spa treatment! The laser lights are known to aid the immune system, increases energy levels, and promote healing from within your bloodstream. Having this treatment will ensure you leave feeling refreshed.  

The cost of a session for the IV Laser Light Therapy is only £250  

It finally feels like we have entered the into the future generation, no more Hollywood re-incarnations instead this is real life. if the choice was a new Lamborghini or a lifetime of wellness treatments delivered from this spaceship like clinic that not only strengthen, repair, protect and prolong a healthier life then I know what I would be choosing! With science and technology at our disposal molecular wellness is an opportunity to support and reduce damage on a cellular level, in turn improving our bodies optimisation! Having first hand experienced the clinics practices it is fair to say that I would strongly recommend you embark on a spending splurge and begin your journey into the regenerative world where bespoke treatments will take you on a wellness journey that your mind and body deserve! 

Membership Packages – See membership brochure (on website) 

  • ESSENTIAL MEMBERSHIP – £4,800 p/a 
  • ELITE MEMBERSHIP – £6,240 p/a 
  • LONGEVITY MEMBERSHIP – £12,840 p/a 
  • MEMBERSHIP ADD ONS – £5,980 p/a